Project Start: Controller and Arena Generation

This is the start for this project. From this point onward there will multiple updates, which all cover different kinds features that are needed to create a flocking simulation. Here are the first things I am working at:
Player Controller
For the beginning there is a specialized Player Controller. You can switch between three modes:
- First Person: You can take the perspective of a normal player.
- Free Movement: You can fly around, to get a better overview.
- Top Down: You have an orthographic view. Nice for the obstacle creation.
Map Border Generation
This is the first time, that I handled script controlled 3D-Model generation. You can choose an any size for the map and it will be automatically generated.
Obstacle Generation (Part 1)
Following the Map-Border-Generation the user will be able to create his own obstacles. The first step was to enable them to mark the places, where the obstacles should be. The goal of the next update is, to take this input and create any form of obstacles.
Get Advanced Flocking Simulation
Advanced Flocking Simulation
Improvement of a classic flocking algorithm with global navigation and intelligent obstacle avoidance.
More posts
- Written Master ThesisApr 27, 2022
- New Maps and no Performance RecordingNov 20, 2020
- Performance of Agent-ChainsNov 12, 2020
- Advanced Flocking and User InterfaceNov 01, 2020
- Swarms: Fixes and Advanced FlockingOct 26, 2020
- Swarms: Pure Flocking and Pure PathfindingOct 21, 2020
- Saving Map and Start for FlockingOct 15, 2020
- Finished: Obstacle 3D GenerationOct 10, 2020
- Update: Obsatcle Analysis and UISep 30, 2020
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