New Maps and no Performance Recording

This update includes mainly a couple of new maps I created for the paper I am currently writing about this project. Sadly I won't release the performance testing tool, that wrote the last time about. The reason for that is, that it probably could roast some graphic cards. Disabling VSync and running a game with 2000 FPS isn't really good for a GPU.
New Maps:
In total there are five new maps to simulate the flocks on. Additionally, I updated two of the old maps, so their walls are smoother now. Complementary to the new maps, the map saving has a new naming scheme: Map_Name.json.
Advanced Flocking Simulation:
While testing the simulations with bigger flock-member-numbers, it was noticeable that the followers blocked the movement of their leader and even shoved it around. Consequently, while it is not realistic, I had to deactivate the collisiondetection between the flock leader and the rest of the flock. But at least it resulted in a much smother simulation.
Other Updates:
- Removed the function, that respawns agents when they get stuck. (This simulation was created to see exactly those kinds of mistakes)
- Max Spawn Number is set to 500
- You can pause the simulation with the P-Key now. Nice for screenshots.
- The current Build Version is now shown in the bottom left corner of the Main Menu.
Get Advanced Flocking Simulation
Advanced Flocking Simulation
Improvement of a classic flocking algorithm with global navigation and intelligent obstacle avoidance.
More posts
- Written Master ThesisApr 27, 2022
- Performance of Agent-ChainsNov 12, 2020
- Advanced Flocking and User InterfaceNov 01, 2020
- Swarms: Fixes and Advanced FlockingOct 26, 2020
- Swarms: Pure Flocking and Pure PathfindingOct 21, 2020
- Saving Map and Start for FlockingOct 15, 2020
- Finished: Obstacle 3D GenerationOct 10, 2020
- Update: Obsatcle Analysis and UISep 30, 2020
- Project Start: Controller and Arena GenerationSep 21, 2020
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