Advanced Flocking and User Interface

This update concludes the development of this project for now. I have updated the User Interface (UI), finished the advanced flocking algorithm and added some information texts, which make the program easier to use. There may be a couple of small updates in the future, but the main work for this project is done.
Advanced Flocking:
The main part of all the flocking algorithm was already finished at the last update. This time I made the last finishing touches:
- The advanced flocking behaviour puts a bit more weight on moving towards the goal, than the normal flock. That way the whole flock spreads not as much.
- The last bug is fixed, where an individual agent would just run in circles. The cause of this problem was the Unity rigidbody again. Turning an object, that has a rigidbody, without using the rigidbody movement functions, causes an after-spinning. To fix that, I had to simply rise the drag value to a relatively high number.
- The agents have a new 3D-model, which shows where the front and the back of the agents are. Additionally, every flocktype has its own colour. That way you differentiate them when they are time on the map on the same.
The UI got a restructuring and new graphics. It's not much different from the old UI, but I replaced nearly all the graphics with self-made ones. Additionally, there are infoboxes now. When you hover over certain elements, you get some helpful information regarding the individual flocks or why you can't spawn a swarm.
Other small updates:
- Repositioning the endpoint, when you have deleted a flock, doesn't crash the game any more.
- Removed the collision between player and flock
Get Advanced Flocking Simulation
Advanced Flocking Simulation
Improvement of a classic flocking algorithm with global navigation and intelligent obstacle avoidance.
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